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[04-Nov] Casts from "Family Outing" surprised Gong Yoo during his first radio broadcast

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[SPN] 2008年11月04日(二)上午10:02
Crews from "Family Outing" surprised Gong Yoo during his first radio broadcast
[SPN] 04-Nov-2008 (Tuesday) 10:02AM

[이데일리 SPN양승준기자] 군 복무 중인 배우 공유(본명 공지철)가 새롭게 진행을 맡게 된 국군 방송 라디오 프로그램에 SBS '패밀리가 떴다'(이하 '패떴') 팀이 깜짝 출연했다.

공유는 3일부터 매일 오후 8시부터 10시까지 2시간 동안 방송되는 국군방송 라디오 '공유가 기다리는 20시'(서울 FM 96.7㎒)의 진행을 맡았다.


孔劉從3日起,主持每天從晚上八點至十點,為時兩個小時的國軍電台節目《孔劉等待的20點》(首爾FM 96.7MHz)。
Actor Gong Yoo (Real name: Gong Ji Cheol) who is currently undergoing his national service, accepted his new job as the national army radio's DJ. During the broadcast, he was pleasantly surprised by congratulatory messages from crew members of SBS' "Family Outing".

Starting 3-Nov, Gong Yoo have been hosting a 2 hour radio program, "The 20:00hr Gong Yoo waiting for", over the national armed forces radio station, every night from 8PM to 10PM. (Seoul FM96.7MHz).

공 유가 이날 첫 방송을 위해 마련한 깜짝 이벤트는 연예계 절친스타 이천희와 즉석 전화 연결을 시도하는 것. 공유가 라디오 방송 중 전화연결을 시도했을 때는 마침 이천희가 제주도에서 '패떴'을 촬영중에 있어 이날 방송에는 자연스럽게 이천희를 비롯, 김수로, 이효리, 박예진 등 '패떴'의 주요 출연진들이 번갈아가며 목소리 출연을 할 수 있었다.

특히 이날 방송을 통해 처음 인사를 주고 받은 공유와 이효리는 재치있는 입담을 서로 주고 받아 청취자들의 귀를 사로 잡았다.

Giving listeners a surprise, Gong Yoo and his close friend in entertainment circle, Lee Cheon Hee was able to communicate on the spot via telephone call. When the call was connected to Gong Yoo, Lee Cheon Hee was at Jeju Island filming "Family Outing". Thus, Kim Su Ro, Lee Hyo Ri, Park Ye Jin, etc also took the opportunity to congratulate him.

Listeners were impressed with first time greetings between Gong Yoo and Lee Hyo Ri during the broadcast, naturally warm and witty conversation

" 안 녕하세요. 이렇게 전화로 처음 얘기하게 됐네요"라고 차분한 목소리로 공유가 먼저 인사를 건네자 이효리는 "그러게요. (공유 씨) 성유리 씨랑 친하시잖아요. 그런데 성유리씨랑 친해서 저도 한번 뵐까 했는데 기회가 없었네요"라고 웃으며 말했다.

"Hello. This is the first time chatting with you through the phone." Gong Yoo greeted first with his steady voice. Lee Hyo Ri replied immediately: "Yes. You know Sung Yuri very well. I'm very close to Sung Yuri, would also like to know you, but there wasn't a chance." Lee Hyo Ri said laughingly.

공 유는 이에 "저도 (성)유리 씨한테 얘기했는데 중간에서 유리씨가 저희를 못 만나게끔 방해를 하더라구요"라며 눙을 쳤고 이효리는 기회를 놓치지 않고 "(군 복무 마치고) 언제 한번 시간 내서 밥 한 번 먹을까요?"라고 화답해 프로그램의 분위기를 화기애애하게 이어갔다.

Gong Yoo jokingly made his reply: "I've also mention it to Sung Yuri, but Yuri was hindering us all this while, not allowing us to meet up." Lee Hyo Ri took the opportunity and replied immediately: "(After enlistment) Let's find a time to have a meal together!" This conversation makes the atmosphere of the program warm and harmonious.

이효리의 밥 한번 먹자는 제안에 공유는 "예. 언제 한번 이천희씨와 함께 나오세요. 면회를 오시던가요"라고 너스레를 떨었고, 이효리는 "아, 제가요?"라며 웃으며 넘겼다.
Gong Yoo accepted her offer with a laugh and reply: "Ok.. Next time please do join myself and Lee Cheon Hee (for for a meal). Come and visit me in army." Lee Cheon Hee replied with laughter "Huh, me?"

이효리는 이날 방송에서 공유에게 MC 본능을 발휘하며 질문 하나를 던지기도 했다. 패밀리 멤버들 중 한 사람과 더 통화를 해야 한다면 어떤 사람과 통화를 하고 싶냐고 물은 것.

공유는 이에 "이효리 씨랑 계속 통화하면 안될까요?"라고 재치있게 말을 건넸고, 이효리는 "굿 아이디어"라고 화답했다.

孔劉說:『不能一直跟李孝利通話就好了嗎?』表現出幽默的主持才能,李孝利也馬上大笑著回答:『Good idea!』
* don't understand the first sentence*. She also asked Gong Yoo who he wants to speak to next.
Gong Yoo said: "Can't I just continue to talk to Lee Hyo Ri?" expressing his humour. Lee Hyo Ri immediately reply with laughter: "Good idea!"

이 날 '패떴' 팀과의 즉석 전화 연결이 시도된 공유의 라디오 방송을 들은 청취자들은 각 인터넷 연예게시판에 "너무 재미있었다", "'패떴' 팀은 정말 분위기가 좋은 것 같다", "효리의 '굿 아이디어' 너무 웃긴다" 등의 청취평을 쏟아내기도 했다.

한편, 지난 1월4일 입대한 공유는 9월부터 국방부 근무지원단 홍보지원대에서 연예병사로 복무하고 있다.

對於昨天孔劉嘗試現場電話連線,聽到節目的聽眾在各網路藝能討論區紛紛留下『非常有趣』、『《家族誕生》的成員感情好像真的很棒呢』、『孝利的「Good idea!」實在是太爆笑了』等等好評。

Listeners who were listening in to the live conversations left good comments on the net - "very interesting", "Relationship among Family Outing crews are really good", "Lee Hyo Ri's 'Good Idea!' is really funny", etc
credit to aalhl/Gong Yoo thread/soompi

080224 Change episode 2 (ENGLISH SUBBED)

Available in our clubbox:

Family OUting sub


Lee Hyori, Heroine of Wheesung’s New Song MV


It was announced that on October 29, Lee Hyori would be the heroine in the music video of Wheesung’s new mini album “With all my heart and soul.”

Lee Hyori also did the narration for Wheesung’s “별이 지다..” (The Star Is Gone) and said, “This title song [The Star Is Gone] is the one I contributed in.”

She also actively participated in a variety of ideas for the scenario work of the music video, and in the narration and chorus of the song “Choco Luv.”

Wheesung said, “I’m grateful to Lee Hyori for doing a pleasant narration and an impressive job in the music video,” and “She was a big help and I would like a chance to repay her.”

On October 28, Wheesung will begin recording for his new album on KBS 2TV “Yoon Do Hyun’s Love Letter.”

Hyori's concert

She will be holding the concert on 20th December in Seoul Jamsil Stadium. This will be her first solo concert since she debuted in 1998.

This year, Hyori released her 3rd album after 2 years, which sold more than 80,000 copies offline. And the album hit songs like ‘U-Go-Girl’ and ‘Hey Mr. Big’ was #1 for 3 consecutive weeks on SBS Inkigayo. She had also been active for variety shows like SBS ‘Family Outing’.

Hyori, “This concert will show to fans a different side of Hyori they do not see on stage so far.”

source: kbites

[28.09] (F) & Hyesung 1/9 *ENG* [SUB]

4/9 is so funny


[HQ] New Good Sunday - Family Outing (2008-10-26).avi [886.7MB]


Kim Jong Kook, Dae Sung, Lee Hyori, Kim Soo Ro, Lee Chun Hee, Park Ye Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Yoon Jong Shin

File renamed in clubbox to Excursion To The Rural Area , in folder SHOW // Old Bad Weekend. Thanks!

Rain – Hyori, ‘Close Dance at Midnight,’ could cause a Trouble Again!

The ‘icons of the opposite ends for the ages’ came together in a fishing village at midnight after 5 years.

Recently, Lee Hyori and Rain recreated ‘the tango stage’, which had been a topic of the conversations (in 2003), during the shooting of the SBS Arts Program ‘Good Sunday – Family Outing,’ which was held in Soyeul Li, Dolsan Eup, Yeosoo, Jeonnam Province.

An associated person from the broadcast said, “During the recording of the show, the two of them demonstrated the dance in front of the members after being asked if they still remember the (tango) stage from 2003. The two remembered the dance exactly the way it was and made the people watching release exclamations.

The two displayed splendid dance skills while dancing to the ‘Libertango’ during the 2003 Korean Movie Awards. During the broadcasting of the 5 min performance, the viewer ratings went up to 30% and the dance became the topic of the conversations in the capital city (=Seoul).

Due to the requests from the viewers who wished to watch the scenes (of the dance) again, it was decided to rebroadcast, which is unusual for an award show.

They created this event during the talent-display hours to determine the order of the bed positions for a segment on the show. The behind story is that even without a stage, lights or costumes, they created quite a believable dance worthy of their titles as the Korean male and female representatives for the sexiest icons.

- Source: Sports Korea
- Translated by 'Blu'

Family outing episode 2 part 1 subbed


Mag Pics and random pictures update


HYori's so touchy touchy hihihihihi

go to hyorian.com or hyorish.net to continue checking her gallery