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Choi Jin Shil's death

After Choi Jin Shil's sudden death, Lee Hyori with a light-heart decided to watch her kids for a day. She does not know Choi Jin Shil very well, but she have always been a fan of hers eversince. Choi Jin Shil's second child is also a big fan of Lee Hyori, that was another reason she wanted to go for a visit. Lee Hyori visited Choi's house at September 8th around 10 PM. She played with them, read books together, and put them into bed. She even stayed up all midnight to check on them.'

I heard Choi Jin Shil's kids liked her ALOT. She gave them her autographed CD as a gift. Lee Hyori is not only just beautiful, but she's also beautiful in the heart. I had this warm, fuzzy feeling inside when I was reading this. So sweet.

credits to Kisstherain

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